Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fit feels great!

My kids and I just walked the strip in Las Vegas!  We went from Mandalay Bay all the way to the Mirage, via the M&M store, the Bellagio Fountain and had a nice rest watching the Bottlenose Dolphins and Lions and Tigers at the Secret Garden!  The cabbie on the way back was kids are 6 and 4 (or 3 according to the Secret Garden ;)).  They were troopers!  A few minor complaints, but I had water and some snacks to get us through!  I even took a package of Greenberry Shakeology to mix with some OJ for my mid morning snack.
So fitness!  Two years ago would I have even considered that walk for me, let alone my kids...never!  Would a friendly lady have commented, hey mom, you look great walking along with your two kids on the strip...and no she wasn't trying to pick me up, but she was maybe trying to get me to buy something ;)
Some girls in line at the Mirage were talking about a friend seeming slimmer than usual....I waited, then I couldn't help but give them a card for my blog...I love to help people take the plunge to getting to the fitness level they envy in others!  AND they were worried about sanitization at the gym...what better place than Beachbody to find at home options!
The kids and I got back to our hotel room, watch some Olympics and then headed to the pool...I to the hot tub!  and now we are off to explore some more and meet Daddy for dinner!
Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day...not too much chocolate, but I now I am having some!

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