Thursday, November 8, 2012

It is PLANKING time!!!

Fitness Challenge - get planking!

We all have busy schedules so instead of looking for a 60 minutes of free time to fit in a workout, squeeze small activities in where you can.  Great ideas include 12 pushups, 12 crunches, 12 chair dips and a 30 second plank!  Less than 5 minutes - do it three times a day then go for a 15-30 minute walk on your lunch break three times/ week!

Lets start with a plank - not sure how?  Great news, I made you a 2 minute video to watch :)

How Healthy is YOUR Shake?

If you want to lose weight you need to cut your calories.  Replacing a meal each day with a lower calorie shake can help you achieve that.

Are there options?

Definitely!  There are shakes available everywhere you turn.

Will they all help me?

Maybe.  If you drink the shake and keep the rest of your calories low you can lose weight eating almost anything…
BUT!!!!  It is not about JUST losing weight!  It is also about getting your nutrition and making your body healthy at the same time!!!

Please take 8 minutes to watch this video put together by Tony Horton and Beachbody with some detailed information about the ingredients and qualities of Shakeology that will help you not only lose weight, but improve your health!