Monday, March 15, 2010

Take Responsibility

The first step to taking back your power is to look at your life, own your choices and ask how they have brought you to where you are, for better or worse.  Responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation.  That type of victim mindset saps your will and siphons your power.  By taking responsibility, you will start to see how the choices you make create your reality; this doesn't mean being able to control all the difficult things life may throw your way, but it does mean controlling your reactions to situations, people and events to effect the best possible outcome. It is your choice to let someone's criticism affect you; it is up to you either to fear life's challenges or to embrace them with positive faith in yourself.  Once you are conscious and accountable for your actions and reactions you can dictate the outcome of almost any situation in your favor! (excerpt from Jillian Michaels-Making the cut)
This can be in reference to all aspects of your life!   Set your goals and work towards them!  Once you reach them, make new ones!  Whether you are helping yourself or helping your children, you focus on where you want to get and you get there!  Climb over those obstacles!

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