Friday, March 5, 2010

Making time for "Personal Time"

I think Chalene Johnson's weight loss tips on YouTube are awesome, so I will be sharing them through my blog...two more sets up today!

I have been thinking the past few days about "personal time", and a conversation last night put it more into perspective. Personal time is different for each person, what they crave, what they "need" to recharge their own batteries. For me a little peace is nice...I do get that now that my kids are at school, but as a stay at home mom, sometimes that "peaceful" time has been pretty hard to find. My most important requirement these days is a good workout. My friends expect to hear this from me, I seem to find a connection into fitness no matter what the topic these days, but that's only because there IS a connection. If I have a rough day, I know my Wednesday evening will be here soon where I have an hour of TurboKick and an hour of weights and cardio and I am recharged...don't get me wrong, I am exhausted, but I am emotionally recharged! A run with my dogs and my daughter on her bike got me out of a funk yesterday gets my blood pumping enough to get rid of the bad energy. Finding what recharges you will help you immensely in life and making time to actually do it will get you where you need to be. Don't feel selfish for making time to better yourself, if you aren't happy, how can you make other people happy. It is about creating a balance. Much easier said than done, but it needs to be done! If you aren't there, make that a goal. Put it on your To Do list and take baby steps to get there.
I am listening to an audiobook right now by Robin Sharma and he has great comments about exercise. "saying you have no time to exercise and look after your body is the same as saying you have no time to get gas for your car. We all know what will happen if we don't gas up our car. It is a lot harder to get your health back then it is to lose it".
You need to make the decision to get fit and healthy, and you need to live it if you want it to work. Find out what you like and go with it...let me know how I can help!

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