Sunday, June 26, 2011

Are you planning to outlive your children?

I find it mind boggling when I read all of the flyers and advertisements about goodies for the Fourth of July.  Do holidays REALLY need to focus on sugary candy, cakes and deep fried treats?  Especially in the summer?  How about all of the bountiful fruits and vegetables that are in season?  Fresh fruit is everywhere right now and it is delicious!

I can't tell you how many eye rolls I get when I bring up a topic like this but do you realize that our children have a shorter life expectancy than our generation does?  Do you realize that two out of every five children and two out of every three adults are considered obese in America?  We are eating ourselves to death and all we do is roll our eyes!  We fret when our teenagers have eating disorders.... one cause of this is them not being taught about proper fitness and nutrition when they were children!  Our children are learning by example, they are watching everything we do... we are careful to watch our language and buckle our seatbelts, but it is time to take it one step further and watch what we put in our mouths and how dusty our running shoes are getting!
My children are far from perfect eaters (they just selected burger and fries and chicken strips and fries for lunch) BUT they also helped me make zucchini loaf (low fat and whole wheat) and enjoyed that after our swim.  Sneaking vegetables in is great but also make your children aware of how important veggies are to their health, to growing big and strong...
I'm not saying cut out all of your treats, just rethink what is important and what a treat could be!  Don't think of the changes as a sacrifice, think of it as a gift to a longer and healthier life.  How many times have you said, I will eat better tomorrow, I just want to enjoy _______ FIRST!  Tomorrow is here!

So what are you serving on Independence day?

If you are looking for help to get yourself and/or your family back on track with your fitness and nutrition I would love to help.  You can find my webpage at -you can sign up for the FREE coaching option, and/or email me!

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