I was at the grocery store this morning, and when I got in line to check out there was a 20 something year old boy in front of me...probably 100+ pounds overweight. All of his food selections were processed foods, whole milk, refined white flour products and not one vegetable. How do kids get to this point? How do kids learn what to eat? Oh right, from their parents!!! My heart broke for him because he is probably at a point of thinking he can't fix it so why try, and he probably doesn't know how!
My son just returned home from a camping trip where he enjoyed a sandwich on white bread, which he asked me to buy for his lunches this week and I said no. In addition though, I stopped and explained to him WHY I was saying no. White bread has very little nutritional value, it doesn't give you lasting energy and it won't keep you healthy...whole wheat bread on the other hand has much more nutritional value, it will keep you feeling fuller and give you energy for longer and it will help you stay strong and healthy. My son often gets Smucker's frozen PB&J sandwiches for lunch (which come on white bread), so don't think I never give my children foods they "want" because yes, convenience often wins. On occasion I will also buy a box of Lucky Charms cereal for a treat for breakfast, a bowl of ice cream is often on the menu for dessert, but every day foods, dinners and snacks are kept relatively free of processed foods. My children are learning the value of healthy eating that I know will get ingrained in their brains so when they are ready to make more choices on their own they will choose wisely.
Whole wheat pasta for example. My kids don't notice a difference, it is just my husband who complains a little bit. Turkey meatloaf with shredded zucchini, tomatoes, onion and flax seed...they ate like it was a special treat.
What are you doing to help teach your children healthy eating habits? The best tool is to show them by example. No crash diets, no craziness, just healthy, balanced eating. Proper portion control, serving onto a plate, not eating out of the bag or the box, and make appropriate snacks available for them and put away the junk! Ease off the sugary drinks and soda, water down your juice and add some lemon juice to water if you want extra flavor.
You kids may protest the family changes, but wouldn't you rather deal with that now while you are in control then watch your 100+ pound overweight child make bad choices and ignore the advice they no longer want to hear? You have the power to help your children...please do something!!!
I have just purchased Tony and Kids plus Shaun T's Fit Kids Club! I will let you know what my kids think of them!!! Join me at Team Beachbody and please pass this blog onto friends that you think would like to hear this or if they might be interested in joining me in the battle to fight obesity!!!
send me that meatloaf recipe! Good post!