Saturday, June 26, 2010

Do you know when to say enough?

I love to eat! Food is yummy! It is flavor, it is texture, it is probably something I do as much out of habit and schedule as I do out of actually being hungry! I am fortunately able to consume a fair bit due to my height and my fitness level, but every calorie still counts! There are many foods I no longer stock in my house as my will power is not always high. Tortilla chips...I'm not sure why I love them...salt and texture are probably a big part of it. Cookies- more the soft chocolate chip ones then the crunchy ones I get for the kids. Desserts like cake, most any kind...I don't make them unless it is a birthday as why put the temptation in front of myself! If I am out and they are offered that is great, I will partake...I don't deprive myself, I just stay away from temptation as much as possible. I was just away on vacation with family and I over indulged...a lot! Wine, desserts, nuts, you name it, I said yes to it! It is a mind set that is not good. Self control over what you eat is very important, no matter what your fitness level. Again, not deprivation, but feeding frenzies are best left for the sharks! Check out this great article from the Beachbody site Steve Edwards.

Another Reason Not to Overeat

Overeating is bad for many obvious reasons, but one you probably don't know is that it can also cause a decrease in the amount of fat that is released during exercise. It has to do with a hormone called adenosine. Adenosine's function is to tell the cells to hold onto the stored fat. Another hormone, adrenaline, which is released during exercise, tells the cells to release fat. However, eating too much decreases the ability of the cells to ignore adenosine while exercising. Thus, the fat stays in the cells and less reduction occurs.

I love having support to help me make better eating decisions, along with keeping me exercising. If you are looking for some accountability, give me a shout. You can sign up at Choose the free option or choose the club membership to give you some great benefits like nutrition and meal planning!

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