Thursday, March 18, 2010

Food Journaling revisited!!!

By now, you probably know the most accurate way to keep track of your caloric intake is to log your food choices in a journal. But it’s not enough to write down what you eat – you also need to analyze your food choices and use this information to make better decisions the next day. Here are some tips to help you out:

* Record your feelings and emotions whenever you eat. If you realize you have a granola bar every afternoon at 4 p.m. just because you’re bored, then schedule in a fun activity at that time instead, like reading a good book to keep your mind occupied. Or make this as your exercise time, chew some gum or play with the kids or the dog!

* Pinpoint the foods that trigger you to overeat and eliminate them. For example, do you always overindulge on greasy foods when you drink alcohol? Does one sweet make you pine for the whole bag? Shakeology can help decrease your cravings and makes a great snack!

* In addition to adding up how many calories you’re eating, you have to limit them as well. If you find you’re consuming 2,500 calories a day, don’t just shrug your shoulders and continue with the same behavior the next day. Cut calories and bring your count down to around 2,000 if you’re trying to maintain your weight, or 1,500 if you still have weight to lose. There are many great sites to help you determine exactly how many calories you need in a day!  AND will give you some great ideas of healthy foods those calories should come from instead of fast food and processed food!

* Spread your meals evenly throughout the day. If you find you’re eating all your calories in the morning and have none left over come dinnertime, then cut some food out of your breakfast and spend these calories later in the day when you’re hungrier. Even better, divide your calories between 5 meals a day.  If you plan your meals ahead or have specific snacks set aside and you know the calories, you can grab and go!  Good planning doesn't have to be an inconvenience, just do it at the beginning of the week and have it ready to go.  Beachbody has a great menu planning feature if you sign up as a team member you can use all the nutrition services to help you get moving in the right direction.  I would love to help you.

* Record how you feel about your body every morning. You’ll probably realize you feel much better after eating fresh foods, which will give you the motivation to keep up your healthy habits! and try to weigh yourself just once a week if the daily fluctuations are driving you crazy.  Make sure it is at the same time each week so you don't have variances in the amount of food and fluid in your body and clothing you are wearing.

If you take the extra time to analyze your eating patterns, a food journal can definitely help improve your eating habits. And if you just can’t get enough of journaling, keep a fitness journal as well, and attack your flab with the double whammy of diet and exercise!

(portions of this were taken from

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