Tuesday, February 8, 2011

RevAbs - Two weeks down!!!

So my one week results did not change in week 2.  There are a few reasons for this.  The  main one would be that I failed to stick to the nutrition plan calorie recommendations!!!  It could have been the 6 servings of pistachios I consumed on day 8 instead of 1 serving.  It could have been the P90X bars I added to the food list that probably contained a LOT more sugar than the "none" I was supposed to have...I DID keep dairy out (except for 1 tbsp of half and half a day in my coffee), I DID keep my carbs intake very low, and I did eat plenty of healthy protein and vegetables!!! I DID keep out fruits too!  I did learn a lot as well!

This mama needs some carbs to keep her sanity :)  I still haven't figured out where exactly they need to go but in the last 2 days I think I have made up for the carbs I cut out in the past two weeks!  Surprise...I am human just like all of the rest of you!!!  I also enjoy an occasional glass of wine.  Yes, I understand that these are empty calories and can have a backward effect on weight control, BUT loss of my sanity can have a more backward effect ;)
I also learned that despite the high calories in nuts, they don't seem to have a detrimental effect on my weight like excessive carb eating does!!!  So as long as I measure out my serving and don't go back for 5 servings, I can continue my relationship with these lovely morsels!!!
Fruit!  I know I ate too much dried fruit in trail mix which is very high in concentrated sugar.  I definitely will add fresh fruit back!  I was craving apples and pears, so as a morning snack...perfect!  Berries in my Shakeology or oatmeal...great!
Unless you are going for a quick fix, dramatic drop or have TONS of weight to lose you need to consider how reasonable the changes are that you are making and if you are going to be able to sustain them!  How are these changes effecting not only you, but also your family!!!  Planning is always great.  Making meals that work for everyone will make your life easier and will probably make the rest of your family healthier if you are keeping your nutrition in mind as you prepare!  There are so many great resources available for healthy family recipes, you just have to look and sometimes buy a few new ingredients.  There are also great resources on the Beachbody site!  Join me and I will help you find some choices that will work for you and your family!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by! I love your blog! You are doing great, and I love that you are still "human". :) Following you now and will be back!
