Monday, November 16, 2009

Why aren't you seeing any results?

I know why I'm not seeing instant would be my love affair with food!  I have a nice balance right now of hard exercise and healthy eating...but ice cream, red wine and chocolate are never too far away!!!  In one sense it is OK.  My weight is stable, my clothes fit and I feel good...BUT  I would still like to tone out my mid section and lose a little of my lower booty so my new pants aren't quite as snug.  It is time to cut out back on my treats until I reach some goals I think...then I can add them back in moderation!

Now why aren't YOU seeing results? 
How is your food intake?  Is there a time of day when your resistence is low?  Are you eating three solid meals a day or cutting back so much that you are STARVING by the end of the day and end up eating enough for 4 people?  Experts are recommending we eat 5-6 times a day to keep our metabolism active at all times.  3 meals and 2-3 snacks.  The hard part about that is cutting back on each meal a bit so our calorie intake stays the same when we add in the snacks.  and DON'T FORGET BREAKFAST!!! 
Are you drinking enough water?  Water gets everything moving in our body, it helps us feel fuller, and it is so much better for you than soda, diet soda, juice, coffee...carry a bottle with you all day long!
Are you really exercising?  Unless you have an injury, are just starting on your exercise journey or are cooling down, there is no reason to be walking on the treadmill and watching TV!  If you want to lose you need to MOVE!  Running, pushing hard on the elliptical, riding a bike with high resistance...there are lots of ways to do it.  In order to make it fun though you really need to mix it up.  Have you tried any classes at the gym?  TurboKick would be my favorite cardio-works the core, great music, fun moves...but spinning is another great one for cardio.  A PUMP class for weight lifting.  A cross training class with weights and cardio is awesome...keep the heart rate up to get even more fat burning going on and you don't usually lift as long for each set so you can go HEAVY!!!  When you work though you need to work HARD!  Work up a sweat, go so hard you are panting...if you start getting light headed slow down, but kick it up again when you can.  Your muscles are supposed to burn when you are lifting, just work through it and you will be rewarded with stronger muscles.--You will quickly learn the difference between a muscle burn and PAIN!  Pain is bad...stop what you are doing and make sure your form is correct and ask for help!
Ask yourself these questions when you feel the need to rest---Am I about to pass out?  Have I seen anyone else pass out who is doing the same exercise as me?  Can I keep going a little bit longer?  The answers are probably No, No and Yes!!!!!
The harder you work out in the time you have the more results you will see....I promise you!  As long as you don't have two bowls of ice cream for dessert to celebrate of course ;)

1 comment:

  1. I meant to add that if you are working out at home there are many videos to follow as well. So many styles of exercise you can surely find something that excites you!!!
